字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>綏靖的英文翻譯 “綏靖”的日文翻譯


拼音:suí jìng


pacificate; pacification; pacify


保持地方平靜;安撫平定;過去反動政府不顧事理道義,使人民屈從於暴力和強權之下以求... >>查看“綏靖”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們還沉浸在對20世紀30年代綏靖主義的恐慌中。
    Many were also scarred by memories of appeasement in the 1930s.
  2. 蘇聯綏靖政策的產生、發展和收場
    The Origin, Development and End of the Appeasement Policy of Soviet Unions
  3. 綏靖政策為保持和平局面而向潛在的敵人做出讓步的政策
    The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace.
  4. 鎮定;和解;綏靖使安定的行動或處於安寧的狀態;綏靖
    The act of pacifying or the condition of being pacified; appeasement.
  5. 英國的綏靖政策探析
    An Plain Analysis or British Policy of Appeasement
  6. 從英國的和平主義運動看其綏靖政策
    Pacifistic Movement of Britain and its Policy of Appeasement
  7. 綏靖政策
    policy of appeasement