字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>台子的英文翻譯 “台子”的日文翻譯


拼音:tái zi


desk; estrade; stage


(1) ∶便於觀眾觀看的高出地面的場所搭戲台子(2) ∶打桌球、檯球等用的桌... >>查看“台子”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 船邊工作檯低放在船邊上支持工人或捻船縫工人工作的台子
    A scaffold lowered over the side of a ship to support workers or caulkers
  2. 它是指周圍攔有繩索的方形台子,裡面可以進行拳擊或摔角比賽。
    a square platform marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle.
  3. 印刷台印刷廠里放鉛字版的沉重的台子
    The heavy table of a printing press in which the type form is placed
  4. 講台供演說者放筆記的台子;講台
    A stand for holding the notes of a public speaker; a lectern.
  5. 船邊工作檯低放在船邊上支持工人或捻船縫工人工作的台子
    A scaffold lowered over the side of a ship to support workers or caulkers.
  6. 我們需要個固定的台子來表演那個特技。
    You will need a firm platform to perform that stunt
  7. 印刷台印刷廠里放鉛字版的沉重的台子
    The heavy table of a printing press in which the type form is placed.
  8. 劇院裡供演員演出的台子
    a stage in a theater on which actors can perform.
