字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>談論的英文翻譯


拼音:tán lùn


talk; discuss; remark; bandy; discourse; tattle


1.makewords  2.talking  3.talkabout  4.talk  5.topic  6.discourse  7.speakof  8.talkof  9.onsomeboy'slips  10.discourseon  11.remark  


  1. 站在那兒的那個人就是我們一直在談論的那個人。
    The man standing over there is the very man that we have been talking about.
  2. 讓我們討論一些咱們可以自由談論的事吧。
    Let us discuss such things as we can talk it freely.
  3. 他經常用充滿愛意的語言談論他的女朋友
    He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.
  4. 我們只能私下談論這個話題。
    We can talk about this matter in private.
  5. 作者應該是最不喜歡談論自己作品的人。
    The author should be the last man to talk about his work.
  6. 我們盡可談論美的事物,然而美本身卻是抽象的。
    We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
  7. 姐姐總是不厭其煩地談論她的工作。
    My sister never tires of talking about her work.
  8. 他不談論這個令人不愉快的話題,而去談論別的事情。
    He dismissed the unpleasant subject and talked about something else.


談論的意思 以談話的方法表示對人對事的看法談論我們畢業後將乾什麼詳細解釋談說議論。《韓非子·說難》:“故諫説談論之士,不可不察愛憎之主而後説焉。” 唐 杜甫 《別李義》詩:“洗然遇知己,談論 淮 湖 奔。”
