字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>剃的英文翻譯 “剃”的日文翻譯



razor; shave; tonsure
【機】 shave


剃 tì 用刀颳去毛髮:剃頭。剃刀。剃度(佛教指給要出家的人剃去頭髮,使成為僧...


  1. 須後水須後搽的潤膚香水
    A usually fragrant lotion for use on the face after shaving
  2. “沒問題,”髮型師說,然後他很快幫自己了個光頭。
    "No problem," said the stylist, and he quickly shaved his head.
  3. 你要拿一把快刀,當作頭刀,用這刀1你的頭髮和你的鬍鬚,用天平將鬚髮平分。
    Then take a set of scales and divide up the hair
  4. 在皮帶上磨
    strap a razor
  5. 要我用刀修髮根和側須嗎?
    Do you want me to use a razor for the back and the sideburns
  6. 令我驚奇的是,她給了我一個電動須刀。
    To my surprise,she gave me a shaver.
  7. 由牧師或僧人的規定來頭上的頭髮。
    shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order.
  8. 須後水須後搽的潤膚香水
    A usually fragrant lotion for use on the face after shaving.
