字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>挑出的英文翻譯


拼音:tiāo chū


seek out; winkle


1.winkle  2.pickout  3.oversail  


  1. 作為一名專家,他一下子就能挑出我們工作中的毛病。
    Being an expert, he was able to pick a hole in our work off hand.
  2. 必須設法從這堆亂七八糟的東西中挑出合適的東西來。
    Means must be devised to comb the right things out of the tangle.
  3. 把這些豆子裡的沙粒挑出去。
    Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones amongst them.
  4. 挑出幾條英文成語,考了一下我的同班同學。
    I found some gay,give my classmate.
  5. 每年秋天,村民們都要挑出畜群里的病弱殺掉。
    Each autumn, the villagers will cull the sick members of the herd.
  6. 他從攤在身邊的一堆鑿子中挑出適用的幾把。
    He selected the right chisels from a pile laid out beside him
  7. 挑出,逐出從一個地方或位置撬開、提取出或驅逐出。通常與out一起用
    To pry, extract, or force from a place or position Often used with out
  8. 挑出最好的一匹絲綢
    Picked out the best piece of silk.
