字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>提出的的英文翻譯


拼音:tí chū de


【經】 suggested


  1. 那是她提出的建議,我欣然接受了。
    She suggested it, and I gladly accepted.
  2. 禁止,阻止對提出的或準備做的行動的權威性禁止或者反對
    An authoritative prohibition or rejection of a proposed or intended act
  3. 我謝絕了他們提出的幫助
    I declined their offer of help.
  4. 下面我和我的同事願意回答各位提出的問題。
    Now my colleagues and I are ready to take up your questions.
  5. 部長需避開記者提出的某些尷尬的問題.
    The minister had to fend off some awkward questions from reporters.
  6. 也許你還記得上星期三我提出的相互保證的問題。
    Perhaps you still remember the counter guarantee I proposed last Wednesday.
  7. 我能接受你提出的宴請嗎?
    Can I take you up on your offer of a meal?
  8. 在爭論中作為前提提出的未經證明的陳述。
    an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument
