字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>提的的英文翻譯


拼音:tí de


【醫】 attollens


  1. 不值一提的小事
    A matter unworthy of mark
  2. 這和他早些時候提的建議截然相反.
    This is the inverse of his earlier proposition.
  3. 提的意見引起了他們之間的爭吵
    His comment sparked off a quarrel between them
  4. 我願意接受你想給我提的任何建議。
    I am open to any advice you want to give me.
  5. 當心,他提的問題裡面有圈套。
    Be careful! There is a catch in his question
  6. 缺少力量、職位或價值的;不值得一提的
    Lacking power, position, or value; worthy of little regard.
  7. 把外語學好是以努力學習為前提的
    The prerequisite of mastering a foreign language is to study hard.
  8. 提的硬紙做成的袋子;購物時盛放物品。
    a bag of strong paper with handles; carries goods while shopping
