字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>鐵鏟的英文翻譯


拼音:tiě chǎn




  1. 鮑伯不想幹活,懶洋洋地倚在鐵鏟
    Bob, who has no intention of work, leans lazily on his spade
  2. 他抓起一把鐵鏟走進花園這。
    He seized a shovel and went into the garden
  3. 鮑勃不想幹活,懶洋洋地倚在鐵鏟上。
    Bob, who had no intention of working, leaned lazily on his spade.
  4. 一個掘墓人拿起一把巨大的鐵鏟,一點一點地清除墓穴里的積土;
    One grave-digger took a wide shovel and little by little emptied the grave;
  5. 鐵鏟所能容納的量。
    the quantity a shovel can hold
  6. 類似鐵鏟的工具帶有鐵鍬狀刀片的一種工具,用來混合製造玻璃的材料
    A tool with a shovellike blade used to mix materials in glassmaking.
  7. 土塊粘在鐵鏟上。
    Clods of soil stuck to the spade.
  8. 類似鐵鏟的工具帶有鐵鍬狀刀片的一種工具,用來混合製造玻璃的材料
    A tool with a shovellike blade used to mix materials in glassmaking
