字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體格檢查的英文翻譯


拼音:tǐ gé jiǎn chá


check-up; medical; physical
【醫】 physical examination; somatoscopy


  1. 她請醫生給她作體格檢查
    She asked the doctor to check her up.
  2. 這只是例行的體格檢查, 沒有什麼可擔心的。
    It's just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about
  3. 體格檢查徹底的身體檢查
    A thorough physical examination
  4. 每個人都必須通過一項必要的體格檢查
    Each person have to pass an obligatory medical examination.
  5. 我得接受體格檢查後才能開始做新的工作。
    I had to have a medical before I can start my new job.
  6. 所有新生都將接受體格檢查
    All the freshmen will undergo a medical examination
  7. 他到醫院去接受體格檢查
    He presented himself for a checkup at the hospital
