字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體毛的英文翻譯


拼音:tǐ máo


【醫】 chaetae


  1. 三倍體毛白楊AS-AQ法製漿技術研究
    Pulp properties of the triploid of Populus tomentosa by AS-AQ
  2. 3.33dtexDU_1腈綸膨體毛條生產探討
    Discussions on 3.33 dtexDU_1 acrylic bulked yarn production
  3. 毛狀體毛髮狀的或刺毛狀的幼芽,如從植物的表皮層發出來的
    A hairlike or bristlelike outgrowth, as from the epidermis of a plant
  4. 三倍體毛白楊APMP製漿研究
    Study on APMP Pulping of Triploid Chinese White Poplar
  5. 三倍體毛白楊枝椏材通過CEH和CED漂白均能使白度達到75%ISO以上。
    crotch pulp are above 75%ISO by CEH bleaching or CED bleaching.
  6. 三倍體毛白楊單段預處理P-RC APMP製漿的研究
    Study on Poplar P-RC APMP with Single Pretreatment
  7. 三倍體毛白楊P-RC APMP漿配抄銅版原紙
    Art Base Paper Made from P-RC APMP of the Triploid of Populus Tomentosa
  8. 三倍體毛白楊快繁技術研究
    Study on Rapid Propagation of Triploid Chinese White Poplar
