字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>停機的英文翻譯


拼音:tíng jī


【計】 close-down
【化】 in idle; stop; stoppage; trip out


(1) ∶將飛機降落停放在指定或便於飛走的地方(2) ∶停止印刷 >>查看“停機”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 允許返回停機坪。
    Cleared to return to the apron.
  2. 凸輪—擺桿式全自停機構的分析和最佳化設計
    The Analyses and Optimization for a Kind of Full Auto-stop Mechanism
  3. 允許通過三叉戟停機坪到達03號跑道等待位置。
    Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron.
  4. 儘量降低設備的操作壓力,增加膜組濃水流量。設備在開啟後應儘量少停機
    No throttle equipment can be set in pure water pipeline during operation.
  5. 太平洋時間今天下午三點將停機進行維護。
    The project will be down for maintenance starting today at 3pm PST.
  6. 由於故障而使電腦停機的時間。
    The length of time a computer is “down” because of a malfunction.
  7. 如果它被拖到了這裡,那么可能會在軍用停機棚。
    Grey: If it was towed here, it would be in the military hanger.
  8. 賓士0332型客車的起動與停機電路
    Starting and Immobilizing Circuits of BENZ 0332 Bus
