字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體貼的英文翻譯 “體貼”的日文翻譯


拼音:tǐ tiē


show consideration for


(1) ∶對別人的心理或境況進行了解並予以關心和照料(2) ∶體會體貼他的意思 >>查看“體貼”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我的室友很體貼
    My roommate is considerate.
  2. 體貼的不考慮他人感情的;不得體的
    Lacking in consideration for the feelings of others; tactless
  3. 有個這么體貼的妻子,你 真幸運
    You are lucky to have such a thoughtful wife
  4. 體貼的體諒他人感情的
    Considerate of the feelings of others.
  5. 體貼的丈夫對妻子的關懷
    The solicitude of a caring husband for his wife
  6. 他每次回家,母親總對他體貼備至。
    His mother make a fuss of him every time he come home
  7. 你是第一流的好人,總是對老年人那么體貼
    You are a diamond of the first water; always so considerate to old people.
  8. 但應該指出的是,維納斯可比大多數姐姐更細心體貼
    But Venus is,it should be noted,a sweeter big sister than most
