字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體系研究的英文翻譯


拼音:tǐ xì yán jiū


【計】 architectural study


  1. 中央商務區現代物流體系研究
    Study on the Modern Logistics System of CBD
  2. 我國農業信息服務體系研究
    Study on Agricultural Information Service System in China
  3. BOT項目風險評價體系研究
    Research on Venture Judgment System of BOT Projects
  4. 基於平衡記分卡的非營利組織評估體系研究
    On the Performance Evaluation System of NPO Based on Balanced Scorecard
  5. 農村全面小康評價指標體系研究
    Study on the Evaluation Index System of the Rural Well-off Society
  6. 大學英文文化教學體系研究
    Study on the System of Culture Teaching in CET
  7. 本文也就空間信息格網的體系研究提出初步建議。
    We propose to establish the theoretic system of SIG in this paper.
  8. 基於組織重構的我國鐵路信息化體系研究
    Research on China Railway Informatization System based on reengineering
