字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>通過的的英文翻譯


拼音:tōng guò de


【法】 approved


  1. 減少流量通過的窄化通道。
    a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel
  2. 管理從模具製作到樣品審核確認通過的全部流程。
    Management of projects through start up to product approves.
  3. 標準布朗運動關於曲線邊界通過的機率
    Curvilinear boundary crossing probability of standard Brownian motion
  4. 此番高票通過的結果讓人驚訝。
    The clarity of the outcome is a surprise.
  5. 如果這個新法案通過的話,我們將損失一筆巨款。
    If this new law is passed, we stand to lose a lot of money.
  6. 這份判決書是以聯邦抗訴法院的7名法官一致同意通過的
    The ruling was unanimous, by a 7-0 vote
  7. 在雙向交通上都有一行道並且還有一條供通過的中心道的。
    having a lane for traffic in each direction and a center lane for passing
  8. 我們通過的1441號決議給了伊拉克最後一次機會。
    We wrote 1441 to give Iraq one last chance.
