字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>偷竊的英文翻譯 “偷竊”的日文翻譯


拼音:tōu qiè


steal; burgle; filch; hook; pilfer; purloin; snaffle; snoop
【醫】 klepto-
【經】 theft and pilferage


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  1. 那個男孩逛商店時偷竊貨物被抓,他將不會有好下場。
    He’s already been caught shoplifting;that boy will come to a bad end.
  2. 這個法官被發現和賊狼狽為奸進行偷竊活動。
    The judge was found hand in glove with the thieves to steal.
  3. 警察因偷竊罪而懲罰他。
    Police punished him for an offence of theft.
  4. 搶劫或偷竊
    A robbery or theft
  5. 你可能被懷疑偷竊
    You run the chance of being suspected of theft .
  6. 最近發生的一股從報刊經銷人那裡進行偷竊的浪潮。
    There has been a wave of theft from newsagent
  7. 搶劫;偷竊
    A robbery; a burglary
  8. 那次偷竊使他良心不安。
    The theft lay heavy on his conscience .
