字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>兔的英文翻譯 “兔”的日文翻譯



hare; rabbit


兔 tù 哺乳動物,耳長,尾短,上唇中間裂開,後肢較長,跑得快:兔子。兔脫(迅...


  1. Vc-Ⅰ、Ⅱ系獺雜交選育研究獺繁殖性能與生長發育測定
    Studies on Yeh Croossbreding of Vc-Ⅰ、Ⅱ Strain Rex Rabbit
  2. 子吃了哈里斯夫人的鬱金香,她氣得發瘋。
    Mrs Harris was mad as a wet hen when the rabbits ate her tulips
  3. 魯西茌平長毛生長發育及產毛量研究
    Studies on Growth Development and Wool Yield of Luxi Chiping Angora Rabbit
  4. 我們知道子就在裡面,因為它的尾巴伸在了外面。
    We knew the rabbit was in there because it left its tail poking out.
  5. 珍珠長毛的選育研究
    Studies on Selection-Breeding of Zhenzhu Angora Rabbit
  6. 那位魔術師將魔棒在手帕上一揮, 就蹦出了一隻子。
    The magician held his wand over the handkerchief and out hopped a rabbit
  7. 由於沒帶刀,蒂姆就直接用手去撕扯那隻野
    Tim had no knife, so he tore the hare with his bare hands.
  8. 我感覺象是掉進陷井的子。
    I feel like a rabbit taken in the snare
