字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>團結的的英文翻譯


拼音:tuán jié de


united; unitive


1.corporate  2.solidly  


  1. 我希望這些理念可以成為香港團結的基石。
    I hope these values will provide the foundation for unity in our society.
  2. 今天我們把長城看作是團結的象徵。
    Nowadays we see it as a symbol of unity
  3. 團結的光輝是如此的燦爛,它足以照亮整個世界。
    So powerful is the light of unity that it can illumine the whole earth.
  4. 我們這次全國科學大會也是一次團結的大會。
    This National Conference on Science is likewise a demonstration of unity
  5. 我們應團結一切可以團結的力量。
    We need to unite with all the forces that can be united.
  6. 這次代表大會是正面講問題,是一次團結的大會。
    Discussing questions in a positive manner, this was a congress of unity
  7. 同時,國家還在全體公民中廣泛開展各民族大團結的宣傳和教育。
    The state also educates all citizens in the unity of all ethnic groups.
  8. 大家特彆強調了亞非團結的重要性。
    Special emphasis was laid on the importance of Afro-Asian solidarity.
