字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>突圍的英文翻譯 “突圍”的日文翻譯


拼音:tū wéi


break out of an encirclement; break through; sortie


突破包圍 >>查看“突圍”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 被圍在史達林格勒的軍隊不能突圍出去。
    The armies encircled at Stalingrad were not able to break out.
  2. 眼下最要緊的是突圍
    The most urgent thing to do right now is to break through the encirclement.
  3. 他們在好幾個方向突圍成功。
    They have broken through in a number of directions.
  4. 士兵們進行了一次成功的突圍
    The soldiers made a successful sally
  5. 他們在好幾個方向突圍成功。
    They have broken through in a number of directions
  6. 國產朱古力能否突圍
    Wizard Way of Domestic Chocolate
  7. 他們發現難於突圍成功。
    They found it difficult to break through and escape.
  8. 逃走;【軍】突圍
    make a [one5s] getaway
