字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>圖形庫的英文翻譯


拼音:tú xíng kù


【計】 graphic repertoire; graphics library


  1. 閘門啟閉機CAD系統圖形庫的研製
    Study on the Graph-base of a Gate Hoist CAD System
  2. 液壓CAD圖形庫的組建與管理
    The Foudation and Management of Graph Library in Hydraulic System CAD
  3. 利用AutoLISP處理AutoCAD圖形庫
    The Application of AutoLISP to Process AutoCAD Graphic Database
  4. Net和OpenGL圖形庫設計實現了一個真實感人臉合成系統平台。
    Net and OpenGL on the PC platform.
  5. DTⅡ系列帶式輸送機CAD圖形庫
    CAD artwork library of DT Ⅱ series belt-conveyer
  6. AutoCAD環境下零件圖形庫的建立
    Building graphic library of parts in AutoCAD
  7. AutoCAD環境下計算機組成原理圖形庫的創建
    Establishing Graphics Database of Computer Architecture in AutoCAD
  8. 仿真系統的開發選擇的是VC++開發平台和OpenGL圖形庫
    We choose the vc++ platform and OpenGL to achieve our syst em.
