字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>外在的的英文翻譯


拼音:wài zài de


explicit; exterior; external; extrinsic; objective
【電】 apparent


  1. 外部外部或外在的表面
    An exterior part or surface.
  2. 他認為美麗不是外在的而是內在的。
    He believed that beauty was not something imposed, but something immanent.
  3. 現象是外在的生與主體的思的共同造作。
    Phenomenon is a joint creation of subjectivity and objectivity
  4. 消磨時間,沒有外在的目的。
    loiter about, with no apparent aim.
  5. 人或事物外在的可視的方面。
    outward or visible aspect of a person or thing.
  6. 與真實價值相對的外在的價值。
    the apparent worth as opposed to the real worth.
  7. 虛飾,外表騙人的吸引人的外表;外在的表現
    A deceptively attractive external appearance; an outward show
