字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>味的的英文翻譯


拼音:wèi de


【醫】 gustatory


  1. 檸檬味的品嘗起來或聞起來有檸檬味的
    Tasting or smelling like lemons.
  2. 你們這些有品味的人,只不過是活在嫌惡當中罷了。”
    Your man of taste, is nothing but a man of distaste
  3. 吃力地一頁頁看著乏味的統計數字
    Wading through page after page of boring statistics
  4. 有隱蔽而特定意味的
    having a covert or special meaning
  5. 你們有沒有很濃但不會有太多水果味的
    Do you have a very full-bodied wine which is not too fruity
  6. 櫻桃製成的或帶櫻桃味的
    Containing or having the flavor of cherries.
  7. 用薄荷油調味的糖果。
    a candy that is flavored with a mint oil
  8. 對年輕的摩洛哥情侶而言,結婚並不會是件乏味的事。
    For a young Moroccan couple, getting married is no staid affair
