字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>圍住的的英文翻譯


拼音:wéi zhù de


【法】 enclosed


  1. 柵欄村莊一種鄉間的村莊,一般由被柵欄圍住的茅屋組成
    A rural village, typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade.
  2. 圓形凹地陡坡地形所圍住的一片平地
    A level area surrounded by upward sloping ground
  3. 緊緊被周圍物質圍住的
    enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass
  4. 柵欄村莊一種鄉間的村莊,一般由被柵欄圍住的茅屋組成
    A rural village, typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade
  5. 城堡內空地用圍牆圍住的城堡或要塞內的露天場地
    An open court or area of a castle or fortification enclosed by walls
  6. 被狹窄的柵欄圍住的
    enclosed by a confining fence
  7. 被籬笆或分界線圍住的地區
    The area enclosed by a fence or boundary
  8. 我們被帶到一處用籬笆圍住的場地。
    We were led to a fenced enclosure
