字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>溫情的英文翻譯 “溫情”的日文翻譯


拼音:wēn qíng


tender feeling; warmth


(1) ∶溫順體貼的情意他對你一片溫情(2) ∶平和不猛烈的態度 >>查看“溫情”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我向我的另一半望過去,感受到了一股巨大的溫情
    I look over at Other Half and feel a great dollop of affection
  2. 溫情祝福你聖誕快樂,新年幸福!
    Warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  3. 我想這是你的溫情和我熾熱的愛情所致。
    I think your kindness and my fervence of love causeth it.
  4. 而很多男人需要的只是一個如康乃馨般溫情寬容的妻子。
    But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.
  5. 而很多男人需要的只是一個如康乃馨般溫情寬容的妻子。
    But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife
  6. 充滿了溫情
    full of tender feelings
  7. 冷峭中的溫情——論穆旦1976年的詩
    Warmth behind the Cold——The poems written in 1976 by Mu Dan
