字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>臥床的英文翻譯 “臥床”的日文翻譯


拼音:wò chuáng


keep the bed; lay up; lie in bed; lie up


(1) 〈方〉∶床的俗稱臥床太窄(2) ∶躺在床上(主要由於生病或年老)臥床不... >>查看“臥床”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 有欄小臥床一種周邊有高欄的嬰兒用小床
    A bed with high sides for a young child or baby
  2. 我得了一場重病,臥床不起達5個星期。
    I was laid up for five weeks with a very serious illness
  3. 你要多喝些水,臥床好好休息。
    Please stay in your bed, drink more water and have a good rest
  4. 約翰因感冒臥床一周。
    John was confined to bed for a week with his cold.
  5. 大夫叫他臥床一兩天。
    The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days
  6. 當時我患流感臥床休息。我妻子可為此/為我作證。
    I was in bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that/me.
  7. 臥床不起的;衰弱的
    Confined to bed; bedridden.
  8. 他越老,臥床的時間也越多了。
    As he grows older, he spends more of his time in bed.
