字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>無花果樹的英文翻譯


拼音:wú huā guǒ shù


fig tree


  1. 耶穌答道:“腓力還未跟你說話,我就看到你在無花果樹下了。”
    Jesus replied, "I saw you under the fig-tree before Philip spoke to you."
  2. 取自一種日本無花果樹的一種奶油色硬蠟。
    a hard cream-colored wax obtained from a Javanese fig tree
  3. 10眾樹對無花果樹說,請你來作我們的王。
    Then the trees said to the fig tree, You come and reign over us.
  4. 無花果樹的樹陰
    in the leafy shade of a fig tree
  5. 之後,他講了一個關於"不結果實的無花果樹"的故事。
    And then, he said a story about-The fig tree without fruit
  6. 包括無花果樹的熱帶喬木或灌木或攀緣植物的大的屬。
    large genus of tropical trees or shrubs or climbers including fig trees.
