字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>無理由的英文翻譯


拼音:wú lǐ yóu


【法】 without reason


  1. 你做那件事毫無理由
    You have no warrant for doing that.
  2. 任性的,脾氣壞的無理由地激怒的或發脾氣的;易怒的
    Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish.
  3. 現在這個雜誌的所有者,毫無理由地對我懷有怨恨?
    Now the owner of it, has got a grudge against me for nothin
  4. 他為此承擔責任;這種責備毫無理由
    he took the blame for it; it was a bum rap.
  5. 老闆經常罵他, 有時毫無理由
    His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all.
  6. 現在這個雜誌的所有者,毫無理由地對我懷有怨恨?
    Now the owner of it, has got a grudge against me for nothin?
  7. 隊友不再毫無理由的討厭對方。
    Team-mates will no longer dislike each other for seemingly no reason.
  8. 被毫無理由的恐懼、噩夢折磨或困擾的。
    tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears.
