字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>下班時間的英文翻譯


拼音:xià bān shí jiān


【經】 closing time


  1. 我的工作本身是挺不錯的,不過我不喜歡固定的上下班時間
    My job is all right as far as it goes, but I don't like fixed working hours.
  2. 打卡用記時鐘在考勤卡上列印下班時間
    To check out formally at a job upon departure.
  3. 下班時間到了。
    Time to call it a day.
  4. 下班時間到了。
    Time to call it a day
  5. 精明:從不占用下班時間大便。
    Canniness: never have a shit when off duty
  6. 會客時間限於下班時間到晚上21:00。
    Visiting times limited only after working hrs. up to 21:00 at night.
