字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>下頜骨的英文翻譯


拼音:xià hé gǔ


jawbone; submaxilary
【醫】 mandible; mandibula; maxilla inferior; submaxilla


1.lowerjawbone  2.mandibularbone  3.chinbone  


  1. 該遺址新石器時代墓葬中,存在隨葬多種野生動物下頜骨的考古學文化現象,其中以大熊貓下頜骨作為隨葬品,是世界範圍內第一例。
    A mandible of Ailuropoda as part of a burial is first reported here
  2. 細胞凝聚區的形成在C57BL/6N系小鼠下頜骨發育中的作用意義
    The role of cell condensation in mandibular development in C57 BL/6N mouse
  3. 該遺址新石器時代墓葬中,存在隨葬多種野生動物下頜骨的考古學文化現象,其中以大熊貓下頜骨作為隨葬品,是世界範圍內第一例。
    A mandible of Ailuropoda as part of a burial is first reported here.
  4. 下頜骨修復手術患者的護理
    Nursing Care of Patients with Lower Jaw Repairing Operation
  5. SNB、B-VertT、Pg-VertT、NPg-FH的減少及Go-VertT、ML-SBL的增加均具有顯著性,說明下頜骨發生了明顯的後下移位;
    ANS-Vert Go-VertT, ML-SBL were increased and SNB B-VertT
  6. 頜骨的部分上頜骨或下頜骨或被臉所掩蓋的骨頭的一部分
    The mandible or maxilla or the part of the face covering these bones.
  7. 下頜骨外側下弧線的形態學研究
    Morphological Study of the Lateral Inferior Arc Curve of Mandible
