字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>下貨的英文翻譯


拼音:xià huò


【經】 break bulk


  1. 我方第...號訂單項下貨物已於上周運到。
    The consignment covering our Order No... arrived last week.
  2. 運輸工具裝載或卸下貨物的地方。
    a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded
  3. 然後再從吊索上卸下貨物,把它們整齊地擺放好。
    Once there, every sling had to be unloaded, and the cargo stowed properly.
  4. 從運輸飛機卸下貨
    Download cargo from a transport aircraft
  5. 卸貨卸下貨和或內容物;卸貨
    To discharge cargo or contents; unload.
  6. 從船[卡車]上卸下貨
    unload cargo from a ship [truck
  7. 許多人從船上卸下貨物。
    A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship
  8. 下貨物或其它負擔
    To discharge a cargo or some other burden.
