字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>現的英文翻譯



cash; existing; on hand; present; show


  1. 如果他回來怎么辦?
    What if he comes back now?
  2. 在賣報紙利潤很少。
    There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
  3. 別哭,你已經是大男孩了。
    Don't cry, you are a big boy now.
  4. 在我不會唱歌了,但我年輕的時候會。
    I can't sing now, but I could when I was young.
  5. 在場景轉到倉庫,行兇者正埋伏在那裡伺機行動。
    And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.
  6. 在是六點鐘左右
    It is about six o'clock now.
  7. 在是十一點鐘。
    It's eleven o'clock now.
  8. 在我們取勝的機會已經微乎其微了。
    Our chances of victory are very faint now.


現的意思 現 (現) à 顯露:出現。表現。發現。體現。現身說法。 實有的,當時就有的:現金。現款。現貨。現實(.客觀存在的事物;.合於客觀情況的)。 目前,當時:現時。現在。現今。現場。現代。現買現賣。 隱
