字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>限的英文翻譯



bounds; limit; restrict; set a limit


  1. 他們的研究項目實用價值很有
    Their research project has limited practical utility.
  2. 我們與本地人的交往有
    We had only limited communion with the natives.
  3. 我會盡力幫忙,但我所能做的也是度的。
    I'll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.
  4. 他知道自己的能力
    He knows his limitations.
  5. 她的野心沒有度。
    Her ambition knows no limit.
  6. 我們的基金有而爭相申請的卻有幾處。
    We have limited funds and several competing claims.
  7. 該版出500本。
    The edition is limited to 500 copies.
  8. 你要把開銷制在必要的範圍內。
    Limit your expenditure to what is essential.


限的意思 限 à 指定的範圍:期限。界限。許可權。局限。限額。 指定範圍:限制。限於。限期。限價(官方指定最高或最低價格,不得超越)。無限。 門檻:門限。 險阻:關限。 筆畫數:; 部首:阝; 筆順編號:
