字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>顯而易見的英文翻譯 “顯而易見”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiǎn ér yì jiàn


clearly; obviously; stick out a mile; tell its own tale


指事情或道理得明顯,很容易看出來。形容一下子就能看清楚 莫若質請天物之顯而易見,... >>查看“顯而易見”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 顯而易見,瑪麗安是被彼特的話所激怒的,不過我使她冷靜了下來,於是她又開始同他講話了。
    Marian was obviously annoyed by Peter's remarks but I smoothed her ruffled feathers and she began to talk to him again.
  2. 這個計畫的不足之處顯而易見
    The deficiency in this plan is very clear.
  3. 對一個電路吹毛求疵的時候,不要看不到顯而易見的東西。(有功率嗎?)
    In fault-finding a circuit, don"t overlook the obvious (is there power
  4. 無需我來稱讚, 那是顯而易見的。
    There is no need for me to praise it; it speaks for itself.
  5. 他們的陰謀是想翻天。這是顯而易見的。
    Their cunning plot is to overturn our government. It is of the thinnest.
  6. 這是一個顯而易見的解決方案。
    It's a no-brainer solution.
  7. 平凡的,普通的屬於關於或是顯而易見的;不證自明的
    Of, relating to, or being the simplest possible case; self-evident.
