字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>相對位置的英文翻譯


拼音:xiāng duì wèi zhì


【醫】 relative position


  1. 將程式模組“集中”起來裝入且在存儲器中分配其相對位置的語言處理器。在虛擬存儲系統中,收集模組力圖以最大限度地減少處理虛擬存儲中斷的方式將目標代碼安排在頁面或段中。
    A language processor that "collects" modules for loading and assigns their relative positions in storage; in a virtual storage system, a collector attempts to place object code in pages/segments in such a way as to minimize virtual storage interrupts during processing.
  2. 相對位置一船對另一隻船和風的相對位置
    The position of a vessel in relation to another vessel and the wind.
  3. (指空間位置)沒有排成直線或者處在不適當的相對位置上。
    (of spatial position) out of line with or not in proper relative position.
  4. 社會地位,社會階層在社會中所處的相對位置
    A relative position in a society
  5. 這兩個詞語都指人或事物的相對位置
    They indicate the relative position of people or things
  6. 相對位置一船對另一隻船和風的相對位置
    The position of a vessel in relation to another vessel and the wind
