字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>向左的英文翻譯


拼音:xiàng zuǒ


【醫】 laev-; laevo-; levo-; sinistrad


  1. 教師叫孩子們自右向左報數。
    The teacher told the children to count off from right to left.
  2. 沿著大道走到分岔地方再向左拐。
    Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.
  3. 船隻出現向左舷危險傾斜。
    The ship took on a dangerous cant to port.
  4. 你走到第二個十字路口,然後向左拐。
    You go ahead to the se cond cross and then turn left.
  5. 走到那個拐彎處,向左轉。
    Walk to the cornerThen make a left turn
  6. 馬術中的半旋轉馬和騎手表演時向右或向左的半旋轉
    A half turn to right or left performed by a horse and rider
  7. 重複這個動作,這次向左轉……
    Repeat the movement, turning this time to the left...
  8. 走到岔口處向左拐。
    Go up to the fork and turn left.
