
拼音:xián shú de


adept; skilled


  1. 駕船穿過狹窄的入口進入港口需要一位技術嫻熟的舵手。
    It takes a skilled pilot to steer the ship through the narrow entrance to the harbour.
  2. 才能,精通專家高超或嫻熟的技藝
    The skill or dexterity of a master.
  3. 簡快要成為一個技藝嫻熟的音樂家了。
    Jane is turning into quite a skilled musician.
  4. 沒有學識的在閱讀和寫作上不嫻熟的;缺乏能從書本上獲得的知識的
    Not adept at reading and writing; deficient in the knowledge that can be acquired from books.