字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>小圈的英文翻譯


拼音:xiǎo quān


circlet; ringlet; roundlet


  1. 她渴望跳出自己的小圈圈與外界有所接觸。
    She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world.
  2. 這個秘密只有一個小圈子裡的人知道。
    The secret is known only to a narrow group of people
  3. 她站起來轉了一小圈
    She got up and spun a little turn.
  4. 毛巾布是一種織物,有很多紡織時鉤出的小圈圈,從而帶來厚度。
    Terry cloth is a type of fabric with woven loops providing thickness.
  5. 小範圍內的限於小圈子裡的人的或與他們有關的
    Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people
  6. 走出家庭小圈
    come out of the narrow family circle
