字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>協定分析的英文翻譯


拼音:xié yì fēn xī


【計】 protocol analysis


  1. 漢字以太局部網路協定分析
    The Analysis of the Chinese-Ethernet LAN Protocol
  2. PPI協定分析
    Study of PPI Protocol
  3. SSL協定分析及其在Web服務套用中的改進
    The Analysis of SSL and the Application on Web Server
  4. RIP與FSR路由協定分析
    Analysis of RIP and FSR
  5. 基於Strand Space模型的CCITT X.509協定分析
    Analysis of CCITT X.509 Based on Strand Space Model
  6. IMS框架體系及協定分析
    Analysis of IMS Architecture and Protocols
  7. 使用協定分析排除登錄Win NT故障
    Troubleshooting Logon Win NT with Protocol Analyzing
  8. 基於AAA服務的協定分析與比較
    Analysis and Compare of Protocols for AAA Service
