字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>西方人的英文翻譯


拼音:xī fāng rén


Hesperian; occidental; western


1.Hesperian  2.westerner  3.western  


  1. 西方人在西方國家居住的當地人或居住者
    A native or inhabitant of an Occidental country; a westerner.
  2. 西洋風味西方人習慣或品質性格特徵
    The characteristic traits or customs of Occidental peoples.
  3. 正是希臘人影響了西方人的思維。
    It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man.
  4. 我也和西方人一起練習。
    And I practise with occidental.
  5. 西方人認為發展的主流是競爭。
    Westerners believe that the mainstream of development is competition.
  6. 幾乎沒有西方人到過的亞洲的一個國家
    A country in Asia visited by few westerners
  7. 對未曾經驗的西方人來說,這看起來像是奇異的儀式。
    it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes
  8. 如何使西方人相信這一點?
    How can we convince the West of the truth of this stand?
