字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>戲劇的的英文翻譯


拼音:xì jù de


stagy; Thespian


1.theatric  2.histrionical  3.histrionic  4.theatrical  5.dramatic  6.dramatical  


  1. 不是每個人都能夠把自己的喜好作為職業,對我來說我所做的正是我喜愛的戲劇事業。作為戲劇的職業人士對我一生都是極大的快樂,我簡直太喜歡了。
    Not all people doing what they like as their career. And to me, I think to do something I really like as my career, my true love for theatre art, a theatre professional, to me such kind of life is very the greatest happiness. I simply enjoy it.
  2. 他被邀請給藝術學會做一個有關現代戲劇的報告。
    He was invited to lecture to the Society of Arts on modern drama.
  3. 18世紀英國戲劇的倫理學觀察
    Ethical Examination of 18th Century English Drama
  4. 戲劇的屬於或關於戲劇或劇院的
    Of or relating to drama or the theater.
  5. 蘭尼有這七個戲劇的法文譯本。
    Lanny got a French translation of the seven plays.
  6. 諾思爵士,托馬斯1535?-1601?英國翻譯家,他的關於蒲魯特克著作的版本被用作許多莎士比亞戲劇的來源
    that led to the rebellion of the American colonies
