字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>興高采烈的英文翻譯 “興高采烈”的日文翻譯


拼音:xìng gāo cǎi liè


above oneself; cheerful; elation; feel one's oats; in great form; rapture


亦作“ 興高彩烈 ”。語出 南朝 梁 劉勰 《文心雕龍·體性》:“ 叔夜 ... >>查看“興高采烈”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 興高采烈的;愉悅的
    Full of high-spirited gaiety; jolly.
  2. 興高采烈地跑回城裡。
    He ran back to the city flited with a great joy.
  3. 鬨笑,狂笑開心的,興高采烈的一陣大笑
    A hearty, boisterous burst of laughter
  4. 書的每一頁都洋溢著興高采烈的情緒。
    Every page of the book glows with good humor.
  5. 贏了第一場後,所有隊員都興高采烈
    The team has their tail up after they win their first game.
  6. 查理在倫敦受到盛情歡迎,被興高采烈的人們捧為天才。
    He was received warmly in London and hailed[4] as a genius
  7. 興高采烈地跑回城裡。
    He ran back to the city flited with a great joy
  8. 興奮或興高采烈的感覺
    A feeling of excitement or euphoria
