字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>興建的英文翻譯 “興建”的日文翻譯


拼音:xīng jiàn


build; construct


建設又興建了一個化肥廠 >>查看“興建”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們發誓要為阿波羅神興建一座神殿。
    They vowed a temple to Apollo.
  2. 委員會通過了興建綜合醫院的決議案。
    The committee passed a resolution to build a general hospital.
  3. 整個城市到處都在興建新樓房。
    New buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
  4. 一座橋正在那裡興建嗎?
    Is a bridge being built there
  5. 興建新的高速公路已經成為一個具有爭議性的議題。
    The building of a new freeway became a controversial issue
  6. 這些工程在設計和興建階段會帶來大約一萬零五百個就業機會。
    The design and construction of these roads will create about 10 500 jobs.
  7. 在開始興建電影院之前,我們正等待建築許可證。
    We are waiting for plan permission before we start building the cinema.
  8. 他為父母親興建了一楝新房子。
    He has built his parents a new house
