字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>行銷的英文翻譯 “行銷”的日文翻譯


拼音:xíng xiāo


be on sale; marketing; sell
【經】 consumption


(1).謂銷售貨物。 清 林則徐 《嚴禁中外商民販賣鴉片煙示》:“如其引誘華民... >>查看“行銷”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.market  2.sellwell  


  1. 我們的產品行銷世界各地。
    Our product is sold world-wide.
  2. 這本書被翻譯成多種譯文並行銷全球。
    The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
  3. 在我們知道研究發展結果以前,我倒希望他們延緩行銷計畫的實施。
    I wish they will hold off their market strategy plan until after we have seer the result of research and development.
  4. 行銷管理?千禧年版》,第十版,2000年。
    Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Millennium Edition,10e, 2000.
  5. 羅勃:看來你作行銷實習生時得到一些不錯的經驗。
    Rob: It looks like you got some good experience as a marketing intern*
  6. 行銷售戰略以在櫥櫃市場超額完成銷售增長。
    Implement sales strategies to exceed growth targets in the KC Markets.
  7. 本課程為所有高等行銷課程的先修課程。
    This course is a prerequisite for all of the advanced marketing courses.
  8. 今天利瓦伊牌的牛仔服行銷全球。
    Today the Levi′s brand is sold worldwide.
