字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>新訊息的英文翻譯


拼音:xīn xiāo xī


【計】 new information; new message


  1. 據我聽到的最新訊息,他明天將辭職。
    According to the last news I hear, he will resign tomorrow.
  2. 有什麽最新訊息
    What's the latest news?
  3. 據我聽到的最新訊息,他明天將辭職。
    According to the last news I heard, he will resign tomorrow.
  4. 那個記者掌握著最新訊息
    The reporter had a red-hot story
  5. 這個電台的最新訊息吸引了很多聽眾。
    The up-to-the-minute news from the radio station attract many listeners.
  6. 新訊息;秋天的流行時裝
    A hot news item; the hot fashions for fall
  7. 你說的對,我們可以從網上獲得最新訊息
    You are right, we can get the latest news on the Internet.
