字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>信息傳播的英文翻譯


拼音:xìn xī chuán bō


【經】 dissemination of information


  1. 企業廣告信息傳播有效性研究
    Study on the Effectiveness of Business Advertising Information Transmission
  2. 論現代信息傳播技術的負效應
    An Adverse Effect of the Modern Information Dissemination Technology
  3. 信息傳播的偏差並不完全是上級官員的過錯。
    The erratic information flow is not entirely the fault of top officials.
  4. 信息傳播過程中的鄰接權研究
    A Study on the Abutting Right in the Transmission of Information
  5. 面向對象的網路信息空間模型與信息傳播
    The Object Oriented Model of Cyberspace and Information Dissemination
  6. 邊界網關協定BGP-4中的路由策略與信息傳播
    Routing policy and information propagation of border gateway protocol BGP-4
