字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>信息量的英文翻譯


拼音:xìn xī liáng


【計】 amount of information; information content; quantity of information


  1. 灰色預測模型GM(1,1)的三種性質——灰色預測控制的最佳化結構與最佳化信息量問題
    Properties of Grey Forecasting Models GM (1,1)
  2. 摘要,總結精煉且信息量大的總結
    A short, informative summary
  3. 信號中含有大量的信息量
    the signal contained thousands of bits of information.
  4. 三類文摘的信息量:報導性文摘>報導/指示性文摘>指示性文摘。
    It is the best to choose the informational abstract for research report.
  5. 頭所能容納的信息量
    the quantity of information that a head will hold
  6. 書籍方便攜帶信息量大。
    Books carried conveniently contain a large amount of information.
  7. 書籍方便攜帶信息量大。
    Books carried conveniently contain a large amount of information
  8. 頭所能容納的信息量
    the quantity of information that a head will hold.
