字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>兇殺的英文翻譯 “兇殺”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiōng shā


homicide; murder


殺害人命兇殺案 >>查看“兇殺”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 兇殺
    a case of murder; murder case
  2. 在整整一百年中,從沒一個人犯過兇殺案。”
    For a whole century, there has not been a single murderer among them"
  3. 兇殺謀殺的殘酷證據。
    cruelty evidence by a capability to commit murder.
  4. 電影中的兇殺場面使我心驚肉跳。
    The murder scene in the film horrified me.
  5. 警察將以兇殺罪控告他。
    The police are going to bring a charge of murder against him
  6. 兇殺案在九點四十五分至十點之間發生。
    The murder was committed between a quarter to ten and the hour.
  7. 城裡兇殺案件有所減少。
    There has been a decrease in the number of murder on the city.
  8. 當然,威脅性最大的首推兇殺案。
    The most threatening of all, of course, is murder.
