字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>秀麗的的英文翻譯


拼音:xiù lì de


beautiful; handsome; pretty


  1. 那是一條那么秀麗的小船。
    It was such a smart little craft.
  2. 從山頂我們可以把西湖秀麗的景色盡收眼底。
    We can see a fine view of the West Lake from the hill top.
  3. 秀麗的優美的有既悅目又怡情的美的
    Having beauty that appeals to the emotions as well as to the eye.
  4. 林蔭大道,大街寬闊的城市街道,通常樹木蔭蔽的和風景秀麗的
    A broad city street, often tree-lined and landscaped
  5. 那是一條那么秀麗的小船。
    It was such a smart little craft
  6. 穿過法國南部的風景秀麗的路線
    a scenic route through the south of France
  7. 我們在風景秀麗的鄉間漫遊。
    We expatiated through the beautiful country.
  8. 沿河有一條風景秀麗的散步小徑。
    There is a beautiful walk along the river
