字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>溴酸的英文翻譯


拼音:xiù suān


【化】 bromic acid


  1. 溴酸
    A salt of bromic acid.
  2. 溴酸
    A salt of bromic acid
  3. 化學上用溴酸鹽處理(一物質)
    To treat(a substance) chemically with a bromate
  4. 任何由氫溴酸形成的鹽,用作鎮靜劑。
    any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; used as a sedative
  5. 化學上用溴酸鹽處理(一物質)
    To treat(a substance) chemically with a bromate.
  6. 硫磺還原法製取氫溴酸的研究
    Study on Production of Bromohydric Acid by Reduction of Sulfur
  7. 任何由氫溴酸形成的鹽,用作鎮靜劑。
    any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; used as a sedative.
  8. 溴酸離子,BrO3
    An ion of bromic acid, BrO3.
