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拼音:yǎn biàn


evolve; outcome


變化發展衛生學已經演變為預防醫學 >>查看“演變”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.unfolding  2.outcome  3.pour  4.evolution  5.development  6.transmutation  7.evolve  8.drift  9.evolvement  


  1. 史前生物化學對生物化學以及生物化學過程的發展和演變的研究
    The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes.
  2. 這個島國社會的法律是由當地習俗演變而來的。
    The laws of the island society were educed from native customs.
  3. 南斯拉夫危機將演變到何種程度,主要關鍵在於南國軍方是否有效和團結,以及其繼續支持克羅地亞境內塞爾維亞民兵的程度。
    How the Yugoslav crisis plays out will hinge in large measure on the Yugoslav military's effectiveness and unity, or lack thereof, and the extent to which it continues to back Serbian militias in Croatia.
  4. 這個島國社會的法律是由當地習俗演變而來的。
    The laws of the island society were educed from native customs.
  5. 論20世紀初期美國對日政策的演變
    On Evolution of American Policy Toward Japan in the Early Twentieth Century
  6. 甚至有可能會演變成另一場核子戰爭。
    It even has the potential to escalate into a nuclear war
  7. 獨立國協向“灰色區域”演變——論俄羅斯對獨立國協政策的危機
    CIS in the Process of Becoming a "Grey Area"
  8. 中阿關係的演變與發展
    Evolution and Development of the Relationship between China and Arab States
