字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>養的英文翻譯 “養”的日文翻譯



give birth to; cultivate; foster; maintain; provide for; support


養 (養) yǎng 撫育,供給生活品:養育。贍養。撫養。養家。 飼養動物,培...


  1. 毛白楊愈傷組織培成苗的研究
    Callus Culture of Dominant Individual of Chinese White Poplar
  2. 有教的人具有良好教、禮貌和愛好的人
    A person of refined upbringing, manners, and tastes.
  3. 他飼各種鳥。
    He rears all kinds of birds.
  4. 護制度對活性粉末混凝土(RPC)強度的影響
    The influence of curing systems on RPC strength
  5. 購買老金或領取年退休金。
    To buy or to take out on annuity.
  6. 老金退休的職員
    a superannuated employee
  7. 玫瑰花的秘訣就是適時細心修剪.
    Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses.
  8. 避開不善之人,遠離是非之地,不招惹麻煩,不要成壞習慣
    A void negative people, places, things and habits
